CentOS 5 - Xfce 4.4 (Extras)
CentOS 5 - Xfce 4.6 (EPEL)
CentOS 6 - Xfce 4.8 (EPEL)
CentOS 7 - Xfce 4.10
This is a great alternative to GNOME and KDE, for CentOS 7.0 servers.
Packages from Fedora 18, where Xfce is available as a desktop in comps:
Xfce Desktop (xfce-desktop-environment)
Here are the actual RPM packages from the main group (xfce-desktop):
Group: Xfce Group-Id: xfce-desktop Description: A lightweight desktop environment that works well on low end machines. Mandatory Packages: +ConsoleKit +ConsoleKit-x11 +NetworkManager-openvpn +NetworkManager-pptp +NetworkManager-vpnc Terminal Thunar *abrt-desktop *adwaita-cursor-theme *adwaita-gtk2-theme *adwaita-gtk3-theme albatross-gtk2-theme albatross-gtk3-theme albatross-xfwm4-theme bluebird-gtk2-theme bluebird-gtk3-theme bluebird-xfwm4-theme +blueman +desktop-backgrounds-compat +fedora-icon-theme *firewall-config firstboot greybird-gtk2-theme greybird-gtk3-theme greybird-xfce4-notifyd-theme greybird-xfwm4-theme gtk-xfce-engine *gvfs lightdm-gtk *network-manager-applet *nm-connection-editor *openssh-askpass *setroubleshoot thunar-archive-plugin thunar-media-tags-plugin thunar-volman tumbler *xdg-user-dirs-gtk xfce4-about xfce4-appfinder xfce4-datetime-plugin xfce4-panel xfce4-places-plugin xfce4-power-manager xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin xfce4-screenshooter-plugin xfce4-session xfce4-session-engines xfce4-settings xfconf xfdesktop xfwm4 xfwm4-theme-nodoka xfwm4-themes xscreensaver-base yumex
+ = not installed from Fedora, * = already available in CentOS
The default web browser and mail reader are Midori and Claws Mail, respectively.
But it also possible to use Mozilla Firefox (ESR) and Mozilla Thunderbird (ESR).
Package management is done with Yum Extender, the display manager is LightDM.
Style: Adwaita (default GTK3 theme)
Fonts: Dejavu (or the Liberation fonts)
Problem: The Fedora icon theme and background are not suitable for CentOS.
The alternatives are: GNOME, Tango - plus the alternative "GNOME Colors".
Icon theme: GNOME
Background: default.jpg
The icons from MATE look slightly better than these new ones.
Icon theme: Tango
Background: default.png
The folder icons are missing from Tango, making a strange mix.
Icon theme: GNOME-Colors-Brave (Blue)
Background: Arc-Colors-Brave (Blue)
There is also the dark Shiki style available, that wasn't used.
Icon theme: GNOME-Colors-Noble (Purple)
Background: Arc-Colors-Noble (Purple)
This uses Shiki-Noble style, some typical problems can be seen.
Written by Anders F Björklund, © 2014 afb datakonsult